Adding Web Service Reference In AX 2012, No Proxy DLL
Thought of sharing a small yet tricky way to add a web service reference directly from AX 2012 without using proxy DLL, for consuming the same.
Normally, when we right click on AOT "References", we can add only the DLL references from there. (Figure 1)
But if we create a project, and add a "Reference" group, and then right click on it, we will get both the options; of adding the DLL reference as well as adding the web service reference. (Figure 2)
| Urminavo DasCreating Simple Tile Element In Dynamics AX
Tile is a new element in form design in latest version of Dynamics AX. As with tiles at other places in Microsoft products, it is used to provide key information on dashboard with or without graphical image. Tile also have drill down functionality to go to an item which have detailed information about the topic.
In this walkthrough, I’ll create a simple counting tile which displays the number of record in a table.
As a pre-requisite, I have a simple table ‘SONTable2’ with two string fields – ID and Description.
| Deepak GuptaBasic Analytics Artifacts
AX 7 has changed the way analytics components are designed, deployed and used in this software. The perspectives and aggregate data entity are now first class member of AOT. Aggregate data entities can now be used as a data source in the form directly which was not possible in case of cubes earlier. This post describes the concepts of dimensions, measures and data entities. Their use in forms will be described in later posts.
| Deepak GuptaTips And Tricks To Clear Rainier Development
Cleared this examination few days back, scoring over 90%. Sharing few tips and areas we can emphasize on for clearing this examination, which might be helpful -
- For experienced persons (having hands-on experience on Rainier), it will not be that much tough to clear the exam.
- For experienced persons (but not having hands-on experience on Rainier), it will not be that much tough to clear the exam. But please go through the Visual Studio environment and the related study materials, as this environment is completely new, along with the changes being incorporated.
| Urminavo DasWalkthrough - Create Basic Analytics Artifacts
As a pre-requisite to create analytics artifacts, the base tables (generally transactional) & underlying data types are needed. For this walkthrough, I have four tables – TransData, ProductGrade, AreaMaster & GenderMaster. The latter three tables are master tables each having two fields Id and Description. ‘TransData’ table is a transaction table which have ‘TransDate’ as date type field and ‘Amount’ as a real type field and three more fields which are pointing to the Ids of three master tables respectively.
| Deepak Gupta